Soundtrack of my life: 2012 – Survival (Muse)

Is this not the best made-for-a-sporting-event song ever, er, made?

I think so.

The Olympics in London this year was a cool event and proved, to me at least, why England should be hosting the 2018 World Cup. That aside, the Olympics came at the end of one hell of a run of events. Euro 2012 led into the Tour de France which bleed seamlessly into the Olympics. This was preceeded by the end of a great English Premier League season. Which was preceeded by me being made redundant from a job I’d held for a very long time.

So, 2012 has been a big year. For me, my musical highlight was watching this song performed live at the Olympic closing ceremony (which closes the circle quite nicely).

My other highlights are far too many to list here, but include finishing this little project. Forty-one songs that combine to make up the Soundtrack Of My Life. Now I need to find someting else to write about. See you soon.

Here’s the Wikipedia link.

About dwaynebarlow
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One Response to Soundtrack of my life: 2012 – Survival (Muse)

  1. Last week Dwayne I met a young guy who had worked as a Volunteer “Games Maker”. He had the time of his life & had some great stories. He was a part of the medal ceremonies (carrying them out) & had taken the gold out to Alex Zanardi, the F1 driver who won in the hand cycling. Each volunteer received a commemorative relay baton, he asked Mr Zanardi to sign his. The guy was a plasterer working on my flat, an ordinary guy who took his chance to make the memories of a lifetime. It was great to listen to his pride and enthusiasm.
    Here in the U.K. we kinda hope Rio is not up to it. We know how to do it & liked doing it. We would have it back anytime.

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